Staff Tip: The best time to shop the marketplace is Tuesday-Friday after we've updated the marketplace with the items our farmers plan to harvest the following week!
What are the extended shopping hours?
Friday from 2pm until Sunday at 11pm each week
What items are available to choose from?
It depends on the week and what our farmers and suppliers are offering, but in general, most items outside of certain prepared foods, milk, bread, and specialty produce items will be available to choose from during the extended window. Whatever you see in the shop during the extended window is available to add to your upcoming delivery.
I don’t have an order for next week but I’m trying to add one during the extended hours. Why won’t it let me?
In order to shop the extended window, you must already have scheduled a basket for the upcoming week. The window is meant to provide extra time to add on to your originally scheduled order.
I scheduled my basket for next week during normal hours, but now I’m not able to change it during the extended window. What’s going on?
The extended window was created to give customers extra time to add to their already existing orders. Right at the close of the normal customization window, we immediately submit customer orders to our farmers and producers who in turn get straight to work prepping and harvesting. This ensures the freshest possible produce and food goods while also giving our producers the time they need to fulfill your orders.
Why can’t I order milk, bread, eggs or certain produce during the extended window?
In short, it all comes down to timing.
- Supplier production timing. Many of our suppliers can only make the trip to Fresh Harvest once a week (Monday). When we submit an order on Friday afternoon for milk, the farmer spends the weekend getting it ready for our Monday morning delivery. They need that advanced notice otherwise they’d have to guess and either short our order or make too much milk, creating a waste situation.
- Delivery timing. Our customers’ orders are spread out during the week from Tuesday through Friday. If a hundred customers with Tuesday deliveries ordered a dozen eggs each during the extended window, our egg farmer (who makes two deliveries per week) would have to scramble to pull together the extras before delivering on Monday.
- Timing for freshness. At the end of the day we work with small scale producers who have limited resources but HIGH quality standards. Their products aren’t made to sit on a shelf for more than a week, and they aren’t loaded with preservatives like their big box counterparts. Simply put, we operate on constraints that most other grocery stores do not. And we’re pretty darned okay with that!
How long will the extended shopping window be available?
We will keep the extended hours available as long as the window continues to be beneficial to our customers.